There are endless hours of gaming available on the PC, but there are a few standout PC games that are a must-play for the purpose of the true supporter of the platform. These PERSONAL COMPUTER games advise you of why you bought the hardware in the first place. Below are a few of the best video games you should have a look at. Hopefully, these kinds of lists will help you decide which ones are the best. We’ve ranked our preferred based on our personal criteria.
The Best PC Game of 2014: Ori plus the Will for the Wisps. This remake of Ridley Scott’s Alien seems to have incredible information, with artwork that was hand painted and searched. The game features an orchestral score that underscores impressive moments which is one of the best game titles of the 10 years. It also achieved best graphics. We suggest all of these game titles to lovers of the genre. The next time you want to play a fresh game, get these great titles.
The Best PC Video game of 2014: Ori as well as the Will for the Wisps. This kind of remake belonging to the legendary Ridley Scott film recreates the world of Wyland Yutani, with xenomorphs, ghouls, and a spooky atmosphere. The game is a unique encounter for anyone who really loves RPGs. It is soundtrack is indeed memorable it has received numerous honours, including greatest game music.