Avast provides live chat support and incorporates a better customer service team. Kaspersky does not offer live chat, nevertheless they have a more active network. If you’re having problems with the software, they’ll be glad to assist you. Alternatively, you may send a message or employ their over the internet chat. When you are unsure, you may also ask for a no cost urgent callback.
Avast comes with excellent consumer documentation and a user discussion board, where buyers can talk about various concerns. It also provides a How-To-Video section with lots of topics. When you’re unsure of how to use the solution, you can also furnish a priced, but Kaspersky’s support staff is often quick as a solution. If you need to contact customer support, you may call them or make use of https://www.techlifehacks.net/kaspersky-versus-avast-antivirus/ live chat. Both corporations offer great purchaser assistance, but Avast has better phone support.
Kaspersky’s simple antivirus package costs $40, while Avast’s is $60. Both firms offer customer care tools such as knowledge is build and FAQ sections. The two offer immediate support. Moreover, both offer support through a totally free customer forum. When you need help, you can contact Kaspersky’s help brand for assistance. In addition , Avast’s lab check results are almost like Kaspersky’s.